Sunday, February 26, 2006

Kathy's Connection

One of the keys to being in business is to keep your eyes and ears open for new possibilities. Newspapers, telephone calls, emails and even chance meetings often provide opportunities for a new idea. Networking is how most business relationship are formed.

I found myself with a number of ideas for future prospects on little pieces of paper on my desk and in files that said "Prospects." This system was not working for me so I decided on another approach.

Now I have an excel spreadsheet labelled "Prospects" with the name,phone number, email, company and where I met or was in touch with the person. I have scheduled time into my week to start contacting them. In most cases, it will be a cup of coffee or lunch to get to know them on a personal business.

"People do business with people they like and know."
Kathy Condon


If you are not proficient in Excel, I sincerely recommend that you sign up for take a course on Excel.....Truly amazing how many ways you can use it in your work to make your work more professional and help you with your record keeping.

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