Fortunately, the holiday was stretch out this year so I have had some good focused time to work in my den. Translated that means working on the clutter. Took down the certificates that have been there for years and have replaced it with a large US map, complete with crystals marking the places where I have been a speaker. Fun to visually see, how my presentations are spreading throughout the US.
I do believe I got it -- clutter in the room, clutters ones ability to develop creative ideas for there is sooooo much "stuff" that distracts one.
Can you tell what my 2008 resolution is?
Recently I was asked to be a speaker in New Orleans and I decided that I wanted to stay longer. Once again, Travel Zoo http://www.travelzoo.com provided me with just what I needed.
Couldn't believe my eyes....a hotel two blocks from the French Quarter for $44. Went to http://www. traveladvisor.com and read the reviews of the hotel were great. I signed up and happily report it was the perfect place for me to stay.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
It is pretty interesting that it takes the holidays to reel one in and make one truly understand what is important in this world. This year I wasn't traveling and I was working to change my holiday traditions for it was the first time without a Mom or a Dad. OK, I'll admit it, tears flowed as I stood in front of the card rack and I had no Mom or Dad to send a card to for the first time in my life.
I actually made a list of people that I wanted to be around. In many cases it was just a matter of making a phone call and arranging the time. Short stops, provided smiles and fun interchanges. Actually, I was thinking "Why do I not do this on a regular basis?"
So now that it is the day after Christmas, I am looking at my goals for the new year. My board with pictures of things I want/to do in 2008 is just about complete. It is interesting, it is so much more colorful and has so many more fun things on it than last years. Did I somehow know my Mom was going to have a stroke in February and that my life would be devoted to her and my family? Hmmmm..
It is time to buckle down, and develop opportunities so that I can share my talent of writing and training with as many people as possible in 2008.
Traveling for business can be a tough. Yet, I have discovered Board Rooms of the various airlines truly take the waiting at the airports so much easier. If you are a timeshare owner and use Interval for your exchange program, there is presently a great deal for you. Sign up for
Priority Pass http://www.prioritypass.com
You can use the Board rooms at most airports.
It is pretty interesting that it takes the holidays to reel one in and make one truly understand what is important in this world. This year I wasn't traveling and I was working to change my holiday traditions for it was the first time without a Mom or a Dad. OK, I'll admit it, tears flowed as I stood in front of the card rack and I had no Mom or Dad to send a card to for the first time in my life.
I actually made a list of people that I wanted to be around. In many cases it was just a matter of making a phone call and arranging the time. Short stops, provided smiles and fun interchanges. Actually, I was thinking "Why do I not do this on a regular basis?"
So now that it is the day after Christmas, I am looking at my goals for the new year. My board with pictures of things I want/to do in 2008 is just about complete. It is interesting, it is so much more colorful and has so many more fun things on it than last years. Did I somehow know my Mom was going to have a stroke in February and that my life would be devoted to her and my family? Hmmmm..
It is time to buckle down, and develop opportunities so that I can share my talent of writing and training with as many people as possible in 2008.
Traveling for business can be a tough. Yet, I have discovered Board Rooms of the various airlines truly take the waiting at the airports so much easier. If you are a timeshare owner and use Interval for your exchange program, there is presently a great deal for you. Sign up for
Priority Pass http://www.prioritypass.com
You can use the Board rooms at most airports.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Saturday morning I awoke to a bright day here in the Northwest. Went to the gym and did my workout , came home and sat down with my morning coffee to read the newspaper.
Then it was time to bundle up for my Vancouver Rotary Club had arranged for a number of us to ring the bell for the Salvation Army http/www.salvationarmy.org
Rotarian, Bruce Hagensen, and I rang our bells and opened the door for both those entering and exiting Nordstrom's north door. It was fun to watch their smiles and we got many "thank yous." Nothing better than watching little children so seriously putting coins into the bucket.
About half way through our hour, a van pulled up and a young woman said "Would you like a cup of hot chocolate?" A member got out and said "We're an outreach group, and we decided our gift would be hot chocolate for all the bell ringers. What a pleasant, happy surprise.
My shift was over. Since my car was parked, I decided to enter the mall. My holiday shopping is done, so I knew I didn't have to stand in lines. I looked at the decorations and then all of a sudden, there was beautiful music coming from the first floor. I stopped and listen to the young people sing. What a wonderful treat?
I came home and thought "What a beautiful morning!" I contributed an hour of my time and received sooooo much back.
Saturday morning I awoke to a bright day here in the Northwest. Went to the gym and did my workout , came home and sat down with my morning coffee to read the newspaper.
Then it was time to bundle up for my Vancouver Rotary Club had arranged for a number of us to ring the bell for the Salvation Army http/www.salvationarmy.org
Rotarian, Bruce Hagensen, and I rang our bells and opened the door for both those entering and exiting Nordstrom's north door. It was fun to watch their smiles and we got many "thank yous." Nothing better than watching little children so seriously putting coins into the bucket.
About half way through our hour, a van pulled up and a young woman said "Would you like a cup of hot chocolate?" A member got out and said "We're an outreach group, and we decided our gift would be hot chocolate for all the bell ringers. What a pleasant, happy surprise.
My shift was over. Since my car was parked, I decided to enter the mall. My holiday shopping is done, so I knew I didn't have to stand in lines. I looked at the decorations and then all of a sudden, there was beautiful music coming from the first floor. I stopped and listen to the young people sing. What a wonderful treat?
I came home and thought "What a beautiful morning!" I contributed an hour of my time and received sooooo much back.
Monday, October 29, 2007
For 18 years I have been going to Long Beach, Washington. It is on a peninsula and has 22 miles of beaches that one can drive on. This is a place that needs to be shared with family and friends. Since there is not a great deal to do up there, family dinners, walks and even board games are more than likely part of the activities for any gathering.
I had heard about digging for razor clams, yet, never found myself up there on the weekend that was scheduled for a harvest weekend. This time it was different. I was invited to a friend's beach house, and she had been going up there for approximately 50 years. Obviously, I had a pro to each me.
Fortunately, the tide went out at 5 :30 p.m. so it was light and easy to find the nesting (Not sure that is the right word) clams. Rosie showed us how to spot them, and then how to push the long cylinder into the sand quickly and then pull it out. At first I ended up with a cylinder with sand only. Finally, I pulled up the cylinder and there was my first clam. You have to move quickly for their amazing structure enables them to quickly dig themselves back into the sand.
Yes, I did learn to clean them too. Reminded me of my days fishing with my Dad in Wisconsin. I smiled when I thought about it for a skill learned long ago came into play.
Passwords abound in the land of the Internet. If you are like me, I started getting extremely confused which site needed which passwords. I have to give my brother credit for this idea. He brought out his small loose leaf notebooks and showed me his system. It has an alphabetical index, so it easy to flip it open to the site and find your ID and password.
For 18 years I have been going to Long Beach, Washington. It is on a peninsula and has 22 miles of beaches that one can drive on. This is a place that needs to be shared with family and friends. Since there is not a great deal to do up there, family dinners, walks and even board games are more than likely part of the activities for any gathering.
I had heard about digging for razor clams, yet, never found myself up there on the weekend that was scheduled for a harvest weekend. This time it was different. I was invited to a friend's beach house, and she had been going up there for approximately 50 years. Obviously, I had a pro to each me.
Fortunately, the tide went out at 5 :30 p.m. so it was light and easy to find the nesting (Not sure that is the right word) clams. Rosie showed us how to spot them, and then how to push the long cylinder into the sand quickly and then pull it out. At first I ended up with a cylinder with sand only. Finally, I pulled up the cylinder and there was my first clam. You have to move quickly for their amazing structure enables them to quickly dig themselves back into the sand.
Yes, I did learn to clean them too. Reminded me of my days fishing with my Dad in Wisconsin. I smiled when I thought about it for a skill learned long ago came into play.
Passwords abound in the land of the Internet. If you are like me, I started getting extremely confused which site needed which passwords. I have to give my brother credit for this idea. He brought out his small loose leaf notebooks and showed me his system. It has an alphabetical index, so it easy to flip it open to the site and find your ID and password.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Out my window is the mighty Columbia River -- A river that divides the state of Washington and Oregon. Two bridges connect my hometown of Vancouver to Portland, Oregon.
Because of my location, it is important that I read the two major newspapers to keep up-to-date on events that are taking place in both cities. I had been reading about a musical that had been developed in Portland that was providing an insight to life on the Columbia before the large Bonneville Dam was completed in 1957.
Last Friday night I had the opportunity to see this outstanding event--now I understand why they are performing to sold out audiences; and even that evening announced that they had added still another performance.
It actually is called the "Ghosts of Celilo" --- I'm betting it will be performed at additional venues in our nation. Not only did bring together photography, computer technology and outstanding set design, it provided an opportunity for us to learn about the lives of native people who lived on the river before the dam was open.
The energy of the children was contagious and the language and music could not help but lift one's spirits. Yet, all the while a serious story was woven through the dialog.
I recently ordered the book: "The Complete Travel Detective Bible" by Peter Greenberg. Couldn't put it down. If you do any amount of traveling, this up-to-date guide is a must.
Out my window is the mighty Columbia River -- A river that divides the state of Washington and Oregon. Two bridges connect my hometown of Vancouver to Portland, Oregon.
Because of my location, it is important that I read the two major newspapers to keep up-to-date on events that are taking place in both cities. I had been reading about a musical that had been developed in Portland that was providing an insight to life on the Columbia before the large Bonneville Dam was completed in 1957.
Last Friday night I had the opportunity to see this outstanding event--now I understand why they are performing to sold out audiences; and even that evening announced that they had added still another performance.
It actually is called the "Ghosts of Celilo" --- I'm betting it will be performed at additional venues in our nation. Not only did bring together photography, computer technology and outstanding set design, it provided an opportunity for us to learn about the lives of native people who lived on the river before the dam was open.
The energy of the children was contagious and the language and music could not help but lift one's spirits. Yet, all the while a serious story was woven through the dialog.
I recently ordered the book: "The Complete Travel Detective Bible" by Peter Greenberg. Couldn't put it down. If you do any amount of traveling, this up-to-date guide is a must.
Monday, October 08, 2007
What great follow-up! I attended the event on Wednesday and in Friday's mail came a postcard stating that $144,000 had been raised at the event! Congratulations to the YWCA and big thank you for the donors who came up with a $40,000 match!
Eight hundred people attended the event! http://www.ywcaclarkcounty.org
Chris Hansen of Dateline (NBC) was the speaker. His focus was "To Catch a Predator." Chris was great for he spoke from his heart, used no notes and gave us clear tips how to protect our teenagers. Kathy Kniep, Executive Director of Clark County's YWCA told us that Chris had taken the time to meet with a number of teenagers before the event.
Networking possibilities were bountiful for so many of us came out to support the YWCA. It was a terrific event and Staff/Volunteers should be congratulated for a job well done!!
Take time to make appointments. There are so many people interesting people in this world. We get busy and think "I'd like to have lunch with them some time" -- then we get sidetracked and it never happens.
I have made it a goal to set up two appointments a day. Not only am I having great conversations, my company is flourishing. People do business with people they like and know.
What great follow-up! I attended the event on Wednesday and in Friday's mail came a postcard stating that $144,000 had been raised at the event! Congratulations to the YWCA and big thank you for the donors who came up with a $40,000 match!
Eight hundred people attended the event! http://www.ywcaclarkcounty.org
Chris Hansen of Dateline (NBC) was the speaker. His focus was "To Catch a Predator." Chris was great for he spoke from his heart, used no notes and gave us clear tips how to protect our teenagers. Kathy Kniep, Executive Director of Clark County's YWCA told us that Chris had taken the time to meet with a number of teenagers before the event.
Networking possibilities were bountiful for so many of us came out to support the YWCA. It was a terrific event and Staff/Volunteers should be congratulated for a job well done!!
Take time to make appointments. There are so many people interesting people in this world. We get busy and think "I'd like to have lunch with them some time" -- then we get sidetracked and it never happens.
I have made it a goal to set up two appointments a day. Not only am I having great conversations, my company is flourishing. People do business with people they like and know.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Developing plans or goals certainly can help one stay on her path much better. I had decided that I was going to start calling up people that sounded interesting, and yet, really hadn't gotten a chance to sit down and really talk.
This week I reconnected with three different people and all of them proved to be fun and relaxing to be around. I met one for lunch, one for coffee and still another for cocktails at the end of the day. Since I know I have a high need for variety, varying the venues was truly the right thing to do for my lifestyle.
None of these events would have happened if I hadn't made a conscious decision to get out more.
Oh yes, Saturday I had ballroom dancing lessons at a private home. Let's just say, I was relieved when an elegant, gracious lady and dancer told me she had been taking lessons for 5.5 years. Perhaps, there is hope for me. I certainly learned ballroom dancing is a learned skill.
If you travel a great deal and find yourselves in rental cars often, it may be time for you to consider purchasing a GPS. My brother helped me pick out the Garmin Nuvi 350. It is about the size of a pack of cards and has voice directions, that even tells you which side an exit is on a freeway.
Lunch time? Put in the kind of food you would like and the GPS tells you which ones are nearby. In San Diego, my training partner and I found a restaurant on the water, 1.4 miles from our training site. Perfect.
Check out http://megagps.com
Developing plans or goals certainly can help one stay on her path much better. I had decided that I was going to start calling up people that sounded interesting, and yet, really hadn't gotten a chance to sit down and really talk.
This week I reconnected with three different people and all of them proved to be fun and relaxing to be around. I met one for lunch, one for coffee and still another for cocktails at the end of the day. Since I know I have a high need for variety, varying the venues was truly the right thing to do for my lifestyle.
None of these events would have happened if I hadn't made a conscious decision to get out more.
Oh yes, Saturday I had ballroom dancing lessons at a private home. Let's just say, I was relieved when an elegant, gracious lady and dancer told me she had been taking lessons for 5.5 years. Perhaps, there is hope for me. I certainly learned ballroom dancing is a learned skill.
If you travel a great deal and find yourselves in rental cars often, it may be time for you to consider purchasing a GPS. My brother helped me pick out the Garmin Nuvi 350. It is about the size of a pack of cards and has voice directions, that even tells you which side an exit is on a freeway.
Lunch time? Put in the kind of food you would like and the GPS tells you which ones are nearby. In San Diego, my training partner and I found a restaurant on the water, 1.4 miles from our training site. Perfect.
Check out http://megagps.com
Monday, September 24, 2007
Most of us who are trainers/speakers have experienced someone's cell phone going off, usually, right in the middle of one of our most important points. You lose your strain of thought and the participants are distracted while the person fumbles to find her cell phone in her purse.
During a break last week in Chula Vista, I was talking with a participant, Elizabeth. We were deep into a conversation when her phone went off. She had her phone in her pocket, kept eye contact with me and reached into her pocket and open and closed her cell phone so that it would stop ringing. She didn't even look to see if the person was more important than me. I felt honored.
We decided to recreate the scene once the seminar was back in session. Elizabeth stood up to make her point and her cell phone went off -- thanks to help of a colleague. It was a great opportunity to exhibit a way to handle a cell phone during a conversation.
Obviously, an even better approach, put your phone on vibrate. Yet, if you forget, this is a great way to handle the situation.
Lately, there has been a great deal of focus on articles explaining "why" men and women are so different in meetings and relationships. Most of them point out that research has been greatly increased on the subject. I would like to suggest that you take the time to read them. My belief is that we can never learn too much about human interaction.
Most of us who are trainers/speakers have experienced someone's cell phone going off, usually, right in the middle of one of our most important points. You lose your strain of thought and the participants are distracted while the person fumbles to find her cell phone in her purse.
During a break last week in Chula Vista, I was talking with a participant, Elizabeth. We were deep into a conversation when her phone went off. She had her phone in her pocket, kept eye contact with me and reached into her pocket and open and closed her cell phone so that it would stop ringing. She didn't even look to see if the person was more important than me. I felt honored.
We decided to recreate the scene once the seminar was back in session. Elizabeth stood up to make her point and her cell phone went off -- thanks to help of a colleague. It was a great opportunity to exhibit a way to handle a cell phone during a conversation.
Obviously, an even better approach, put your phone on vibrate. Yet, if you forget, this is a great way to handle the situation.
Lately, there has been a great deal of focus on articles explaining "why" men and women are so different in meetings and relationships. Most of them point out that research has been greatly increased on the subject. I would like to suggest that you take the time to read them. My belief is that we can never learn too much about human interaction.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Lately, I have been flying off to some place every week to do a training or give a speech. People who do not know me well cannot imagine a life like mine for they hear about plane delays, lost luggage and believe travel is a hassle.
I, on the other hand, look at it as adventure. Each time I travel I make sure that I have at least one day extra at the destination so that I can learn about the community. If I am lucky, I will have the opportunity to see what it is like living in these communities.
Last week I flew in two days early---I would be training in Fairfield. My friend, Cyndi picked me up at the Sacramento airport and we drove to Old Sacramento and had a lovely lunch on the river catching up and I had the opportunity to meet her new son, Michael.
A few hours later, my friend Carolyn picked me up and after another nice dinner, we headed to her home in Suisun Valley. Carolyn and her husband, Warren, families settled the Valley so they are a wealth of information about the "real" history of the area.
The next day we got up and Carolyn started my tour through Napa Valley which ended at the lovely town of St. Helena. It was a beautiful day and made even more interesting because the grapes were being harvested. I learned that often grapes are picked at night, under flood lights, because the sugar content is much higher.
The next day it was time to train and we had an outstanding group of bright, fun people who were eager to learn. What a joy! I headed home that night feeling like I had learned, rested and helped stretch individuals. The perfect combination.
Many people are now getting their news from the Internet. It is a great way to keep up and the links often lead to great additional information. However, there is one thing that is missing. If you are serious about networking in your own community, you are missing all of the ads that are advertising events. These events are often fun and provide you with an opportunity to learn and connect with people.
Lately, I have been flying off to some place every week to do a training or give a speech. People who do not know me well cannot imagine a life like mine for they hear about plane delays, lost luggage and believe travel is a hassle.
I, on the other hand, look at it as adventure. Each time I travel I make sure that I have at least one day extra at the destination so that I can learn about the community. If I am lucky, I will have the opportunity to see what it is like living in these communities.
Last week I flew in two days early---I would be training in Fairfield. My friend, Cyndi picked me up at the Sacramento airport and we drove to Old Sacramento and had a lovely lunch on the river catching up and I had the opportunity to meet her new son, Michael.
A few hours later, my friend Carolyn picked me up and after another nice dinner, we headed to her home in Suisun Valley. Carolyn and her husband, Warren, families settled the Valley so they are a wealth of information about the "real" history of the area.
The next day we got up and Carolyn started my tour through Napa Valley which ended at the lovely town of St. Helena. It was a beautiful day and made even more interesting because the grapes were being harvested. I learned that often grapes are picked at night, under flood lights, because the sugar content is much higher.
The next day it was time to train and we had an outstanding group of bright, fun people who were eager to learn. What a joy! I headed home that night feeling like I had learned, rested and helped stretch individuals. The perfect combination.
Many people are now getting their news from the Internet. It is a great way to keep up and the links often lead to great additional information. However, there is one thing that is missing. If you are serious about networking in your own community, you are missing all of the ads that are advertising events. These events are often fun and provide you with an opportunity to learn and connect with people.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Around us are so many events that we read about and think "I'd like to go that." Then we busy ourselves with activities and forget about it. My schedule had been so up in the air as I worked to support my family through my Mother's illness and subsequent passing. Once Mom had passed on I started to rebuild my life and put activities into it that I knew I would enjoy. I purchased tickets for the Rembrandt Exhibit and a lecture that provided additional insight about the artist.
Last Thursday, I went to the Portland Art Museum at the assigned time and went through the exhibit with the outstanding audio tour. I learned so much and the beauty and detail of the paintings are impossible to describe. Two hours later I came out totally refreshed and accomplished so much once I returned to the office.
The following evening a lecture at the museum provided me with an insight of Rembrandt the man. He was an avid art collector and many of the objects he collected show up in this paintings. Apparently, his personality was very complex and, thus, researchers are continuously making new discoveries in his paintings and prints.
I walked out of the lecture and went to my car with a spring in my step -- It had been a lovely evening.....I learned and I had fun....perfect combination.
Magazines piling up? When you travel by plane, they are the perfect thing to take with you. As you read them, you can toss them out and your load gets lighter for two reasons: 1. Physically your carry-on weighs less and 2. You no longer feel guilty about the magazines piling up that you are paying for and never get to.
Around us are so many events that we read about and think "I'd like to go that." Then we busy ourselves with activities and forget about it. My schedule had been so up in the air as I worked to support my family through my Mother's illness and subsequent passing. Once Mom had passed on I started to rebuild my life and put activities into it that I knew I would enjoy. I purchased tickets for the Rembrandt Exhibit and a lecture that provided additional insight about the artist.
Last Thursday, I went to the Portland Art Museum at the assigned time and went through the exhibit with the outstanding audio tour. I learned so much and the beauty and detail of the paintings are impossible to describe. Two hours later I came out totally refreshed and accomplished so much once I returned to the office.
The following evening a lecture at the museum provided me with an insight of Rembrandt the man. He was an avid art collector and many of the objects he collected show up in this paintings. Apparently, his personality was very complex and, thus, researchers are continuously making new discoveries in his paintings and prints.
I walked out of the lecture and went to my car with a spring in my step -- It had been a lovely evening.....I learned and I had fun....perfect combination.
Magazines piling up? When you travel by plane, they are the perfect thing to take with you. As you read them, you can toss them out and your load gets lighter for two reasons: 1. Physically your carry-on weighs less and 2. You no longer feel guilty about the magazines piling up that you are paying for and never get to.
Monday, August 27, 2007
It had been quite some time since I had taken a whole week just to explore this wonderful nation. I met a friend, Susanne Olson, in Las Vegas and we headed out on a road trip to Santa Fe. I hadn't been to Las Vegas since 1971 (Yes, I know it has changed) and I have always wanted to experience Santa Fe.
The ten hour drive was an ever-changing panorama of the states of Arizona and New Mexico. It was impossible to think the drive was long for the scenery constantly changed before our eyes.
We stayed in Albuquerque one night at a Bed and Breakfast -- a lavender farm, wild white peacock and the most wonderful, peaceful courtyard you can imagine. Their breakfast was prepared from the produced grown on the farm. The University of New Mexico regularly holds retreats on the site.
http:www.lospoblanos.com I certainly will be going back.
In Santa Fe we attended the Annual Native American Art Sale--1,100 vendors--yes, you read it right. I am thrilled to be the owner of "Traditional Birchbark Biting" --- in fact, it won 3rd prize in the unclassed art category. The artist is Wanesia Misquadace -- one of ten artists in the nation doing this kind of work.
Finally, it was time for the spa after MUCH walking. We took a trip to Taos and found a wonderful spa called Estrella Massage and Day Spa. It was small, in the country and beautiful just like you see in the pictures/movies. Teresa created her dream ---- she and her husband designed and run this outstanding place that also has well-equipped rooms if you want to stay longer--we wished we didn't have to had home.
If you travel to a number of states, it might prove more efficient to develop a folder for each state than putting it into your contact program. That way articles that grab you interest in a particular state have a place to be filed and you can even drop in contact cards that remind you of the people in the area. Traveling to a state...pull out your folder.
It had been quite some time since I had taken a whole week just to explore this wonderful nation. I met a friend, Susanne Olson, in Las Vegas and we headed out on a road trip to Santa Fe. I hadn't been to Las Vegas since 1971 (Yes, I know it has changed) and I have always wanted to experience Santa Fe.
The ten hour drive was an ever-changing panorama of the states of Arizona and New Mexico. It was impossible to think the drive was long for the scenery constantly changed before our eyes.
We stayed in Albuquerque one night at a Bed and Breakfast -- a lavender farm, wild white peacock and the most wonderful, peaceful courtyard you can imagine. Their breakfast was prepared from the produced grown on the farm. The University of New Mexico regularly holds retreats on the site.
http:www.lospoblanos.com I certainly will be going back.
In Santa Fe we attended the Annual Native American Art Sale--1,100 vendors--yes, you read it right. I am thrilled to be the owner of "Traditional Birchbark Biting" --- in fact, it won 3rd prize in the unclassed art category. The artist is Wanesia Misquadace -- one of ten artists in the nation doing this kind of work.
Finally, it was time for the spa after MUCH walking. We took a trip to Taos and found a wonderful spa called Estrella Massage and Day Spa. It was small, in the country and beautiful just like you see in the pictures/movies. Teresa created her dream ---- she and her husband designed and run this outstanding place that also has well-equipped rooms if you want to stay longer--we wished we didn't have to had home.
If you travel to a number of states, it might prove more efficient to develop a folder for each state than putting it into your contact program. That way articles that grab you interest in a particular state have a place to be filed and you can even drop in contact cards that remind you of the people in the area. Traveling to a state...pull out your folder.
Monday, August 13, 2007
At the beginning of each year I put on a board above my computer my values, dreams and anything else that makes me feel good when I look at it. I have a home office and consider myself fortunate for I saw the wisdom of a home office years ago.
My values were listed as Integrity, Freedom and Adventure. Family did not have to be on it for everyone in my family was moving along well and living their life fully. All of that changed on February 13 when my Mom (My best friend) had a massive stroke. I live in Washington and she lived in southern Texas near my sister.
All of a sudden "Family" was my top value. Numerous trips to McAllen, Texas ended on July 28th, when my sister and I headed to Wisconsin to take my Mom home and to rest next to my Dad in a beautiful country cemetery on July 29th.
Those five months were some of the toughest times I have experienced, yet, at the same time beautiful. My brother, sister and I worked as an outstanding team ---keeping in mind whatever it took to make Mom's last days on earth as comfortable as we humanly could muster.
My sister said it best at Mom's service "There were no harsh words between us. We believe that is the greatest thing we could do for her. We believe she would be proud how we all conducted ourselves."
This week I am going on a planned vacation. The timing is perfect and Mom is probably smiling because she worked it out so I could go on this vacation that I have been looking forward to---attending Native American big Market in Santa Fe with a friend/colleague from California.
I'm back on the 21st. Focus, finishing my book, getting in touch with clients and developing new speaking opportunities. Of course, the book will now be dedicated to both my Mom and Dad who taught me well --- they are missed.
At the beginning of each year I put on a board above my computer my values, dreams and anything else that makes me feel good when I look at it. I have a home office and consider myself fortunate for I saw the wisdom of a home office years ago.
My values were listed as Integrity, Freedom and Adventure. Family did not have to be on it for everyone in my family was moving along well and living their life fully. All of that changed on February 13 when my Mom (My best friend) had a massive stroke. I live in Washington and she lived in southern Texas near my sister.
All of a sudden "Family" was my top value. Numerous trips to McAllen, Texas ended on July 28th, when my sister and I headed to Wisconsin to take my Mom home and to rest next to my Dad in a beautiful country cemetery on July 29th.
Those five months were some of the toughest times I have experienced, yet, at the same time beautiful. My brother, sister and I worked as an outstanding team ---keeping in mind whatever it took to make Mom's last days on earth as comfortable as we humanly could muster.
My sister said it best at Mom's service "There were no harsh words between us. We believe that is the greatest thing we could do for her. We believe she would be proud how we all conducted ourselves."
This week I am going on a planned vacation. The timing is perfect and Mom is probably smiling because she worked it out so I could go on this vacation that I have been looking forward to---attending Native American big Market in Santa Fe with a friend/colleague from California.
I'm back on the 21st. Focus, finishing my book, getting in touch with clients and developing new speaking opportunities. Of course, the book will now be dedicated to both my Mom and Dad who taught me well --- they are missed.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
When my daughter, Kara, was an exchange student to Belgium her junior year none of us
realized what a huge impact that experience would have on her life. She has married a Belgium
man, has a lovely home on the river in a small country town outside of Brussels and works for
SWIFT in the public relations department.
It is difficult to stay up-to-date on where she is in the world at any given time. However, for the next week she will be home, here in Vancouver, Washington. When she called from the Newark airport in New Jersey she said "Flexibility is the word for this week." We are not sure what our activities will be; yet, there are a couple of things I have helped put on the agenda.
Waiting for her upon her arrival is a dinner of spareribs and sweet corn. One evening is devoted to Mexican food and another a good old fashion American barbecue. I've learned what foods she misses.
She has agreed to help me clean the garage. Just maybe we can get some more shelves free to "store" things from her past. Shopping is on the agenda and one day we are going to take off and explore the world in our area.
In case, you haven't guessed it, I've viewing this as a mini vacation. The weather is cooperating and I'm going to suggest we go to breakfast on a floating cafe tomorrow morning.
A great way to find out what people are saying about you is go to http://google.com/alerts
Enter you name and be prepared with some great surprises about where you information
is showing up.
When my daughter, Kara, was an exchange student to Belgium her junior year none of us
realized what a huge impact that experience would have on her life. She has married a Belgium
man, has a lovely home on the river in a small country town outside of Brussels and works for
SWIFT in the public relations department.
It is difficult to stay up-to-date on where she is in the world at any given time. However, for the next week she will be home, here in Vancouver, Washington. When she called from the Newark airport in New Jersey she said "Flexibility is the word for this week." We are not sure what our activities will be; yet, there are a couple of things I have helped put on the agenda.
Waiting for her upon her arrival is a dinner of spareribs and sweet corn. One evening is devoted to Mexican food and another a good old fashion American barbecue. I've learned what foods she misses.
She has agreed to help me clean the garage. Just maybe we can get some more shelves free to "store" things from her past. Shopping is on the agenda and one day we are going to take off and explore the world in our area.
In case, you haven't guessed it, I've viewing this as a mini vacation. The weather is cooperating and I'm going to suggest we go to breakfast on a floating cafe tomorrow morning.
A great way to find out what people are saying about you is go to http://google.com/alerts
Enter you name and be prepared with some great surprises about where you information
is showing up.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Last Friday I was honored to be one of two outside speakers that Marcia Bench invited to be part of her inaugural event --- "Career Coaching Boot Camp 2007." http://careercoachinstitute.com
Coaches and consultants from across the nation converged at Portland, Oregon for an all day event based on the concept of "Infopreneur's." I said to Marcia at the end of the day "If only we had this seminar when we started out."
At the event, Marcia released her new book "Career Infoprenueur's -- Success Roadmap" I haven't had time to read it; yet, Marcia presented great material from it during the day.
It was a pleasure for me to present my favorite networking tips and appreciated the great interaction with participants during the course of the day.
The day ended with a relaxing elegant dinner cruise on the river -- Perfect ending to a day filled with learning, networking and fun!!!
Remember ANY place you go is a place where you can meet and connect with people -- yes, it is called networking. Sunday night I went to a concert and ran into people I have not seen in three or four years......we're planning on having lunch soon. If you have met a person, it is NEVER to late to contact them. How flattered are you when someone calls you up that you haven't seen or heard from in years?
Last Friday I was honored to be one of two outside speakers that Marcia Bench invited to be part of her inaugural event --- "Career Coaching Boot Camp 2007." http://careercoachinstitute.com
Coaches and consultants from across the nation converged at Portland, Oregon for an all day event based on the concept of "Infopreneur's." I said to Marcia at the end of the day "If only we had this seminar when we started out."
At the event, Marcia released her new book "Career Infoprenueur's -- Success Roadmap" I haven't had time to read it; yet, Marcia presented great material from it during the day.
It was a pleasure for me to present my favorite networking tips and appreciated the great interaction with participants during the course of the day.
The day ended with a relaxing elegant dinner cruise on the river -- Perfect ending to a day filled with learning, networking and fun!!!
Remember ANY place you go is a place where you can meet and connect with people -- yes, it is called networking. Sunday night I went to a concert and ran into people I have not seen in three or four years......we're planning on having lunch soon. If you have met a person, it is NEVER to late to contact them. How flattered are you when someone calls you up that you haven't seen or heard from in years?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Fortunately, I am one of the those people that absolutely loves her work. I have a high need for variety, so my career that involves writing, speaking, training and one-on-one coaching fits my emotional needs perfectly.
There are all kinds of things that are not my favorite thing to do in connection with my career. Keeping papers I need for taxes has developed into a routine, yet, entering them into an accounting program has been delegated to my competent CPA, Steve Staudinger.
My beauty and health needs have been delegated to professionals. I listen to them and make sure I follow their suggestions---we work as a team.
My editing needs are provided by Steve Schone sschone67@yahoo.com. We have never met in person, yet, have developed a great relationship.
Technology?? I have come to the conclusion it is like having a financial manager. I have someone to "manage" my computer needs. You can rely on your financial manager, yet, it is still important for you to know how to review the monthly statements--ultimately, it is your responsibility.
Thus, I have to keep up with a basic understanding of new technology so that I can use it to enhance the way I reach people through my coaching, presentations and speaking--only then can I direct my computer person. (My VERY computer literate brother and sister are quite amazed at how I am keeping up! They know this is not one of my innate skills/or interests. I consider this one of the highest of compliments from them.) If I can do it--you can.
If you are consultant, speaker or trainer, a great website to sign-up for is:
Fortunately, I am one of the those people that absolutely loves her work. I have a high need for variety, so my career that involves writing, speaking, training and one-on-one coaching fits my emotional needs perfectly.
There are all kinds of things that are not my favorite thing to do in connection with my career. Keeping papers I need for taxes has developed into a routine, yet, entering them into an accounting program has been delegated to my competent CPA, Steve Staudinger.
My beauty and health needs have been delegated to professionals. I listen to them and make sure I follow their suggestions---we work as a team.
My editing needs are provided by Steve Schone sschone67@yahoo.com. We have never met in person, yet, have developed a great relationship.
Technology?? I have come to the conclusion it is like having a financial manager. I have someone to "manage" my computer needs. You can rely on your financial manager, yet, it is still important for you to know how to review the monthly statements--ultimately, it is your responsibility.
Thus, I have to keep up with a basic understanding of new technology so that I can use it to enhance the way I reach people through my coaching, presentations and speaking--only then can I direct my computer person. (My VERY computer literate brother and sister are quite amazed at how I am keeping up! They know this is not one of my innate skills/or interests. I consider this one of the highest of compliments from them.) If I can do it--you can.
If you are consultant, speaker or trainer, a great website to sign-up for is:
Monday, June 04, 2007
During the last couple of weeks I have had some great one-on-one communications. It reminded me the importance of sitting down over coffee or lunch with just one person so that you learn something about them as an individual.
Brandie Kajino http://www.organizesimplify.com is a delightful young woman that called me up after she had heard me speak at Rotary's Regional Leadership Conference on "How to attract and retain the X Generation. "It was great having her confirm the statements that I made were very accurate.
We met at a local coffee shop and proceeded to have a great interchange. I learned about her business---smiles broadly when she talks about helping people rearrange their living areas and then helps shop for the perfect accessory to complete the look. Then we both laughed when we started to talk about the states of number of offices. She loves the challenge transforming messy offices.
Al Malone a Customer Category Manager for Kraft Foods had often sent me a note after receiving my Weekly Wisdom. Sign up for it on my website: http://kathycondon.info
I called him up and we set a date/time to meet for lunch. Not only did I learn about the position of Customer Category Manager, I had a delightful exchange of conversation from a fascinating man who lives in our community.
Finally, I headed to California to do a training, yet, was asked by a new friend in California to come to her home for dinner the night before. I had the pleasure of meeting her family of animals, enjoyed a tour of her home and enjoyed her great cooking abilities. Once again, an evening where I truly got to know someone better.
If you have a major project that takes great concentration, plan to work on it when you are most alert. For some people it means early in the morning (I get up at 5:15 a.m. because my mind is so clear) for others it means carving time out late in the evening. Often I have given up working a project and tackle it the following morning--amazing how much easier is to come up with some creative ideas.
PS Check out http://www.careercoachingbootcamp.com I am going to be one of the speakers on June 22, 2007.
During the last couple of weeks I have had some great one-on-one communications. It reminded me the importance of sitting down over coffee or lunch with just one person so that you learn something about them as an individual.
Brandie Kajino http://www.organizesimplify.com is a delightful young woman that called me up after she had heard me speak at Rotary's Regional Leadership Conference on "How to attract and retain the X Generation. "It was great having her confirm the statements that I made were very accurate.
We met at a local coffee shop and proceeded to have a great interchange. I learned about her business---smiles broadly when she talks about helping people rearrange their living areas and then helps shop for the perfect accessory to complete the look. Then we both laughed when we started to talk about the states of number of offices. She loves the challenge transforming messy offices.
Al Malone a Customer Category Manager for Kraft Foods had often sent me a note after receiving my Weekly Wisdom. Sign up for it on my website: http://kathycondon.info
I called him up and we set a date/time to meet for lunch. Not only did I learn about the position of Customer Category Manager, I had a delightful exchange of conversation from a fascinating man who lives in our community.
Finally, I headed to California to do a training, yet, was asked by a new friend in California to come to her home for dinner the night before. I had the pleasure of meeting her family of animals, enjoyed a tour of her home and enjoyed her great cooking abilities. Once again, an evening where I truly got to know someone better.
If you have a major project that takes great concentration, plan to work on it when you are most alert. For some people it means early in the morning (I get up at 5:15 a.m. because my mind is so clear) for others it means carving time out late in the evening. Often I have given up working a project and tackle it the following morning--amazing how much easier is to come up with some creative ideas.
PS Check out http://www.careercoachingbootcamp.com I am going to be one of the speakers on June 22, 2007.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
This week I had the pleasure of attending a seminar on "Transgender Issues in the Workplace" sponsored by NW Equal Employment Opportunities and Affirmative Action Association in Portland, Oregon.
The five-member panel consisted of a lawyer, two people who have gone through transition and two members of the Human Resource Department of the organization that supported one of the participants through transition. It was a very open, honest discussion with participants sharing their own stories. It was a an outstanding way to learn about both the triumphs and issues that people in transition face. As someone pointed out, ALL aspects of their lives are changed when they make the decision to proceed.
The handouts were outstanding. I have a better understanding of the challenges the person and their employment face as they move through this long, and involved process.
No more aching shoulders for me after I get home after a training trip. I have found a great roller bag that holds my laptop, purse, snacks and the papers I need for the trip. I am able to move through the airport easily. If I need to put it overhead, there is always someone there to help.
This week I had the pleasure of attending a seminar on "Transgender Issues in the Workplace" sponsored by NW Equal Employment Opportunities and Affirmative Action Association in Portland, Oregon.
The five-member panel consisted of a lawyer, two people who have gone through transition and two members of the Human Resource Department of the organization that supported one of the participants through transition. It was a very open, honest discussion with participants sharing their own stories. It was a an outstanding way to learn about both the triumphs and issues that people in transition face. As someone pointed out, ALL aspects of their lives are changed when they make the decision to proceed.
The handouts were outstanding. I have a better understanding of the challenges the person and their employment face as they move through this long, and involved process.
No more aching shoulders for me after I get home after a training trip. I have found a great roller bag that holds my laptop, purse, snacks and the papers I need for the trip. I am able to move through the airport easily. If I need to put it overhead, there is always someone there to help.
Monday, May 14, 2007
When I am home, it is great to connect with people in my community. This week I had a great lunch with Beth Quartarolo, President of Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce.
Since I worked for non-profits for twenty-two years, I understood how people have a great ideas and the staff is often overwhelmed with just keeping up with day-to-day activities. It was great to work through some ideas and I was impressed how willing she was to step forward herself to help implement a new "idea." Stayed tuned, we're in the planning stages.
Then Thursday night I was off to help Pacific LifeStyle Homes http://pacificlifestylehomes.com celebrate their 11th Anniversary in their great Design Showroom. Wonderful concept, you walk into their show room after you have bought a house and then in one place you can select everything from door handles, to floors, to lights. On top of everything it was a great party and I connected with people I hadn't seen in quite a long time.
When you are planning your vacation, make sure that you remember to have some appointments scheduled on your calendar the following week. I have learned to keep the first day back totally clear of appointments ---there is lots to catch up and if you have been traveling you'll appreciate the time so you can unpack etc.
When I am home, it is great to connect with people in my community. This week I had a great lunch with Beth Quartarolo, President of Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce.
Since I worked for non-profits for twenty-two years, I understood how people have a great ideas and the staff is often overwhelmed with just keeping up with day-to-day activities. It was great to work through some ideas and I was impressed how willing she was to step forward herself to help implement a new "idea." Stayed tuned, we're in the planning stages.
Then Thursday night I was off to help Pacific LifeStyle Homes http://pacificlifestylehomes.com celebrate their 11th Anniversary in their great Design Showroom. Wonderful concept, you walk into their show room after you have bought a house and then in one place you can select everything from door handles, to floors, to lights. On top of everything it was a great party and I connected with people I hadn't seen in quite a long time.
When you are planning your vacation, make sure that you remember to have some appointments scheduled on your calendar the following week. I have learned to keep the first day back totally clear of appointments ---there is lots to catch up and if you have been traveling you'll appreciate the time so you can unpack etc.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
When I was asked by the Retail Print Music Dealers Association (RPMDA) http://www.printmusic.org
to speak at that their national convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin I was thrilled. I was born and raised in Wisconsin-Tomah to be exact (100 miles NW of Madison) so I immediately figured out a way to visit my brother in Madison.
I flew into Chicago O'Hare and rented a car and drove the 68 miles to Milwaukee. There is nothing more beautiful than Wisconsin in the springtime. Trees were leafing out, apple blossom were out etc. Yet, my role was to speak on "Intergenerational Communications." Since I knew most of the people in attendance owned music stores and hired X and Y Generation employees I focused my talk on how to talk to and reward people in these generations. It turned out to be a highly interactive session and people were willing to share both their successes and frustrations. I applaud the owners of the stores that brought their employees......in fact, many of these employees were great at reinforcing some of the concepts that we were discussing.
After the sessions, I headed to Madison and I was able to have a quiet evening with my brother who promptly helped me become even more literate with my new laptop computer.
is a great place for you to go to find the sales on a particular item in your area. Just enter your state and then the category and you'll be able to see if any store near you has a sale on the item. Great way to compare too.
When I was asked by the Retail Print Music Dealers Association (RPMDA) http://www.printmusic.org
to speak at that their national convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin I was thrilled. I was born and raised in Wisconsin-Tomah to be exact (100 miles NW of Madison) so I immediately figured out a way to visit my brother in Madison.
I flew into Chicago O'Hare and rented a car and drove the 68 miles to Milwaukee. There is nothing more beautiful than Wisconsin in the springtime. Trees were leafing out, apple blossom were out etc. Yet, my role was to speak on "Intergenerational Communications." Since I knew most of the people in attendance owned music stores and hired X and Y Generation employees I focused my talk on how to talk to and reward people in these generations. It turned out to be a highly interactive session and people were willing to share both their successes and frustrations. I applaud the owners of the stores that brought their employees......in fact, many of these employees were great at reinforcing some of the concepts that we were discussing.
After the sessions, I headed to Madison and I was able to have a quiet evening with my brother who promptly helped me become even more literate with my new laptop computer.
is a great place for you to go to find the sales on a particular item in your area. Just enter your state and then the category and you'll be able to see if any store near you has a sale on the item. Great way to compare too.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Last Thursday I was honored to be the Keynote Speaker at the Northwest Career Educators
and Employees Association's 10th Annual Conference in Vancouver, Washington.
http://www.nceea.org Enjoyed the interaction with the audience a great deal.
What a terrific, energetic group of people. The great thing is that all the various generations were represented on the Board that did a terrific job of planning. There were people from as far away as New York.
Since I was the first speaker of the conference, I was pleased to be able to stay around and talk individually with attendees and attend a couple of break-out sessions. I had a great opportunity to grow too.
During the Awards Luncheon I had the opportunity to learn how colleges/universities were not only working with students on projects, but were helping to enhance the community at the same time. Students/participants that received awards went far beyond textbook learning for they did outstanding projects that included: persistence, networking and creativity.
If you are traveling to another city, go to your home Internet Page. Put in the city that is in
your plans and add it to your personal weather section. Then you can watch the temperature, including the ability to get a 10-day advance forecast. Definitely helps with your wardrobe planning.
Last Thursday I was honored to be the Keynote Speaker at the Northwest Career Educators
and Employees Association's 10th Annual Conference in Vancouver, Washington.
http://www.nceea.org Enjoyed the interaction with the audience a great deal.
What a terrific, energetic group of people. The great thing is that all the various generations were represented on the Board that did a terrific job of planning. There were people from as far away as New York.
Since I was the first speaker of the conference, I was pleased to be able to stay around and talk individually with attendees and attend a couple of break-out sessions. I had a great opportunity to grow too.
During the Awards Luncheon I had the opportunity to learn how colleges/universities were not only working with students on projects, but were helping to enhance the community at the same time. Students/participants that received awards went far beyond textbook learning for they did outstanding projects that included: persistence, networking and creativity.
If you are traveling to another city, go to your home Internet Page. Put in the city that is in
your plans and add it to your personal weather section. Then you can watch the temperature, including the ability to get a 10-day advance forecast. Definitely helps with your wardrobe planning.
Download a free copy of "55 Networking Tips" on my website. http://www.kathycondon.info
Sunday, April 22, 2007
"On-boarding" -- take note of the spelling and capitalization. Molly Lambright, Director of Employee Enablement at Microsoft Corporation told the assembled group that hours had been spent on coming up with the meaning of the concept and special attention was paid to the spelling in order to develop continuity through the company.
On-boarding begins before an employee is recruited. A clear definition of the the duties and responsibilities of the position are meticulously developed. Recruiters are screened to make sure they are in tune with the culture of the company so they can attract employees that will work well within the environment.
The Manager is the primary lead on the recruitment process. Once the person is hired, the Manager introduces the new recruit to his team members, instead of delegating this job to his assistant. A mentor is assigned to the new employee so that she has someone to turn to ask questions about the "hidden cultural rules."
If necessary, a coach is assigned to help the employee learn needed leadership skills, which normally would focus on communication skills to enhance her effectiveness.
To sum it up -- "On-boarding" is a program to stay with a new employee and give her the tools she needs to be effective. Corporations have figured out that the investment up front in their new employees means, better retention and skilled employees help the bottom line grow.
Sign up for Weekly Wisdom on my website: http://www.kathycondon.info
"On-boarding" -- take note of the spelling and capitalization. Molly Lambright, Director of Employee Enablement at Microsoft Corporation told the assembled group that hours had been spent on coming up with the meaning of the concept and special attention was paid to the spelling in order to develop continuity through the company.
On-boarding begins before an employee is recruited. A clear definition of the the duties and responsibilities of the position are meticulously developed. Recruiters are screened to make sure they are in tune with the culture of the company so they can attract employees that will work well within the environment.
The Manager is the primary lead on the recruitment process. Once the person is hired, the Manager introduces the new recruit to his team members, instead of delegating this job to his assistant. A mentor is assigned to the new employee so that she has someone to turn to ask questions about the "hidden cultural rules."
If necessary, a coach is assigned to help the employee learn needed leadership skills, which normally would focus on communication skills to enhance her effectiveness.
To sum it up -- "On-boarding" is a program to stay with a new employee and give her the tools she needs to be effective. Corporations have figured out that the investment up front in their new employees means, better retention and skilled employees help the bottom line grow.
Sign up for Weekly Wisdom on my website: http://www.kathycondon.info
Saturday, April 14, 2007

It was a real honor for me, a Rotarian of 16 years, to be asked to present at the Rotary Leadership Conference in Battle Ground, Washington.
Back to the basics--proved to be a great way to tackle this complex subject. It was interesting, I looked up "leadership" in Webster's Dictionary and this is what it said,"The quality of a leader: capacity to lead." Real helpful!!!!!
After some thought, I decided to outline eight key traits that contribute to the development of a real leader that is respected by his/her employees. By using examples, I was able to keep the audience with me and soon they were contributing their great information.
The question was asked how does one develop character? My answer was over a period of time that you are honest/truthful, dependable and your actions match your words. One of the participants said "I have another truth pill to add to the equation" -- when you make a mistake admit it and ask for help. This response is one of the reasons I enjoy presenting....people have so many great things to add from their experiences.
It seems that one has to be very careful with her wireless connections when traveling. Most hotels have a fixed rate, yet, now there are popping up connections that profess to be able to have you connect for as low as $1.95 per day. Often these services are merely scams set up to get your credit card information. It is best to stick with hotel charges.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Last Thursday I was fortunate to be one of the trainers in Palmdale, Calfornia for the Cooperative of California State Department of Rehabilitation and California State Department of Mental Health. The subject was "Job Retention." The eighteen people in the seminar represented a wide breadth of organizations that serve people in this valley of 600,000.
My role is to help people who work with people who have disabilities strengthen their connection with employers. I have learned not to assume anything for often we have forgotten great communication tools or feel like they are no longer relevant.
A. I stress the importance of handshakes and how to do them correctly. (This is often one of the most popular exercises of the seminar. I am finding out if the person was not taught by their parents, they may have never learned how to do a great handshake.)
B. I teach them how to read the newspaper so they can find great networking events.
C. I illustrate how to approach people at events and how to start and carry on conversations.
D. The importance of handwritten notes is stressed. Yes, I even include examples of what they could write in them--Employers appreciate them so much for it is rare for them to receive anything personal. (Avoid email thank yous--they are deleted quickly - Handwritten notes get posted and passed around the office. )
E. I illustrate how "Cold Calls" should not be their main approach. Instead I teach them how to build relationships that result in employers listening more carefully to them.
My overall theme is the the importance of asking questions so they can learn what the employer really needs. I stress: "It does not hurt to ask: It is all about communication."
The next time you go to the post office and have letter or package to mail, look around to see if there is a self-serve postage machine. No longer do I have to stand in lines or think about what day it is to avoid the crowd. After you try it once and get the system down, you will be thrilled with the convenience and the time you save.
Last Thursday I was fortunate to be one of the trainers in Palmdale, Calfornia for the Cooperative of California State Department of Rehabilitation and California State Department of Mental Health. The subject was "Job Retention." The eighteen people in the seminar represented a wide breadth of organizations that serve people in this valley of 600,000.
My role is to help people who work with people who have disabilities strengthen their connection with employers. I have learned not to assume anything for often we have forgotten great communication tools or feel like they are no longer relevant.
A. I stress the importance of handshakes and how to do them correctly. (This is often one of the most popular exercises of the seminar. I am finding out if the person was not taught by their parents, they may have never learned how to do a great handshake.)
B. I teach them how to read the newspaper so they can find great networking events.
C. I illustrate how to approach people at events and how to start and carry on conversations.
D. The importance of handwritten notes is stressed. Yes, I even include examples of what they could write in them--Employers appreciate them so much for it is rare for them to receive anything personal. (Avoid email thank yous--they are deleted quickly - Handwritten notes get posted and passed around the office. )
E. I illustrate how "Cold Calls" should not be their main approach. Instead I teach them how to build relationships that result in employers listening more carefully to them.
My overall theme is the the importance of asking questions so they can learn what the employer really needs. I stress: "It does not hurt to ask: It is all about communication."
The next time you go to the post office and have letter or package to mail, look around to see if there is a self-serve postage machine. No longer do I have to stand in lines or think about what day it is to avoid the crowd. After you try it once and get the system down, you will be thrilled with the convenience and the time you save.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Last week I was pleased to be a speaker on Intergenerational Communication at the California State Workability Conference in San Francisco. My goal was an overflow audience and I am pleased to say that is what happened.
It was great for this group was very open, had great questions and shared their own stories and ideas. The Conference Team was gracious -- can't say enough good things about the experience. The conversations after my presentation were extremely informative. It pointed out to me once again the importance of staying around and talking to people after you speak or do a training--often that is where your own real learning begins.
I flew into the Oakland Airport and decided to take the mass transit system BART to downtown San Francisco. From the airport you have to take a bus to the first BART station---$3 exact change is required. Then you go to a machine and get a card so you can go through the turntables......My cost from the first station to downtown San Francisco was a total of $3.35.
Instead of a $30 one-way shuttle ride, I made the one-way trip for $6.35 and it was easy and relaxing.
When you travel to new cities, make notes about the airport transportation, the hotel and your favorite place to go to dinner. Keep the information in your contact program -- the next time you visit the city you will have access to some helpful information.
Last week I was pleased to be a speaker on Intergenerational Communication at the California State Workability Conference in San Francisco. My goal was an overflow audience and I am pleased to say that is what happened.
It was great for this group was very open, had great questions and shared their own stories and ideas. The Conference Team was gracious -- can't say enough good things about the experience. The conversations after my presentation were extremely informative. It pointed out to me once again the importance of staying around and talking to people after you speak or do a training--often that is where your own real learning begins.
I flew into the Oakland Airport and decided to take the mass transit system BART to downtown San Francisco. From the airport you have to take a bus to the first BART station---$3 exact change is required. Then you go to a machine and get a card so you can go through the turntables......My cost from the first station to downtown San Francisco was a total of $3.35.
Instead of a $30 one-way shuttle ride, I made the one-way trip for $6.35 and it was easy and relaxing.
When you travel to new cities, make notes about the airport transportation, the hotel and your favorite place to go to dinner. Keep the information in your contact program -- the next time you visit the city you will have access to some helpful information.
Monday, March 19, 2007
You have noticed that I have not posted anything on my blog for a few weeks. On February 13, 2007, my mother -- and best friend--had a massive stroke. She doing better, yet, the journey will be long and require a great deal of work on her part--I admire her spirit at 87.
At the beginning of the year I posted my values above my computer "Integrity, Freedom and Adventure." My family is located throughout the world and all was going well, so I just kept in touch. Now with this "challenge" I have added "Family" to the top of the list again.
My cell phone is always turned on waiting for the latest update from my sister or the chance that I can "talk" to my Mom. She cannot talk, yet, still enjoys hearing my stories -- including the one about my excitement of two more black swans being added to the pond outside of my window.
I realized that I would drop everything in a minute if I was needed back in Texas. Truly, my family is at the top of my list.
Why do I mention this? I wanted you to realize that values change. Thus, it is important to step back on a regular basis to decide what are you three top values? It is amazing how paying attention to your values helps guide your decisions.
If you need advice, it is perfectly okay to call someone you have not talked to in three years. They will be pleased you remembered them. Be sure to remind them where you met at the beginning of the phone call.
You have noticed that I have not posted anything on my blog for a few weeks. On February 13, 2007, my mother -- and best friend--had a massive stroke. She doing better, yet, the journey will be long and require a great deal of work on her part--I admire her spirit at 87.
At the beginning of the year I posted my values above my computer "Integrity, Freedom and Adventure." My family is located throughout the world and all was going well, so I just kept in touch. Now with this "challenge" I have added "Family" to the top of the list again.
My cell phone is always turned on waiting for the latest update from my sister or the chance that I can "talk" to my Mom. She cannot talk, yet, still enjoys hearing my stories -- including the one about my excitement of two more black swans being added to the pond outside of my window.
I realized that I would drop everything in a minute if I was needed back in Texas. Truly, my family is at the top of my list.
Why do I mention this? I wanted you to realize that values change. Thus, it is important to step back on a regular basis to decide what are you three top values? It is amazing how paying attention to your values helps guide your decisions.
If you need advice, it is perfectly okay to call someone you have not talked to in three years. They will be pleased you remembered them. Be sure to remind them where you met at the beginning of the phone call.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
When I am home on Sunday I plan my lunch around watching Oregon Public Broadcasting's
Small Business School http://smallbusinessschool.org/ This program has a wealth of information for they interview successful business owners.
This week they explored the difference between a Manager and a Leader. Keith Grint
author of "The Art of Leadership" pointed out that in the past the manager was considered the supporter of an idea and the leader the conceiver of the idea.
He said he believes that leaders need to be challenged by the people around him/her and it is a powerful relationship when the manager and people around the manager question and make suggestions for improvement -- only then will the organization be truly successful. His point is that the leader cannot "see" all the possibilities that exist.
Grint's view is that today's leader is humble, soft spoken and caring --- he/she understands the need and importance of the people surrounding them.
Treat everyone with respect and courtesy. A person's position in life should have nothing to do with the way you interact with them.
When I am home on Sunday I plan my lunch around watching Oregon Public Broadcasting's
Small Business School http://smallbusinessschool.org/ This program has a wealth of information for they interview successful business owners.
This week they explored the difference between a Manager and a Leader. Keith Grint
author of "The Art of Leadership" pointed out that in the past the manager was considered the supporter of an idea and the leader the conceiver of the idea.
He said he believes that leaders need to be challenged by the people around him/her and it is a powerful relationship when the manager and people around the manager question and make suggestions for improvement -- only then will the organization be truly successful. His point is that the leader cannot "see" all the possibilities that exist.
Grint's view is that today's leader is humble, soft spoken and caring --- he/she understands the need and importance of the people surrounding them.
Treat everyone with respect and courtesy. A person's position in life should have nothing to do with the way you interact with them.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
We have times when we are wondering when we are on the right path. Things get stuck
and you start doubting yourself. That happened to me last week. On Friday, I was wondering
where I fit in etc.
I realized that I have many tools and I should be able to figure out what in the world was going
on with me. So as we would say, I got a grip and noted what made me feel good. I realized that I was spending too much time behind my computer. I was excited about working on my book, yet, I am extrovert and thrive on meeting people and having new experiences.
I should add that my computer was giving this non-high tech person a great deal of grief, so that didn't help matters any. I am thankful to Netfirms http://netfirms.com for their great live people support.
So I made some appointments with people that I wanted to learn more about -- we human are very interesting people with all kinds of experiences that even a soap opera writer couldn't make up. Sure enough, that did the trick---A luncheon appointment and after work cocktail with a new friend did the trick.
We have times when we are wondering when we are on the right path. Things get stuck
and you start doubting yourself. That happened to me last week. On Friday, I was wondering
where I fit in etc.
I realized that I have many tools and I should be able to figure out what in the world was going
on with me. So as we would say, I got a grip and noted what made me feel good. I realized that I was spending too much time behind my computer. I was excited about working on my book, yet, I am extrovert and thrive on meeting people and having new experiences.
I should add that my computer was giving this non-high tech person a great deal of grief, so that didn't help matters any. I am thankful to Netfirms http://netfirms.com for their great live people support.
So I made some appointments with people that I wanted to learn more about -- we human are very interesting people with all kinds of experiences that even a soap opera writer couldn't make up. Sure enough, that did the trick---A luncheon appointment and after work cocktail with a new friend did the trick.
Stayed tuned....I'm about to launch my blog communicationsworkplace on my website Http://www.communicationsworkplace.com I trust it will be up and running within the next two weeks.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Kathy's Connection
There has been a stirring inside of me and I have been waiting to see what surfaced. Saturday I was reading a magazine and there it was --- a way to help our troops.
It is a website http://booksforsoldiers.com When you go this website, you can order books for our troups. The books are gathered together and sent to the troops.....thus, you do not have to pay any postage.
There is a price range for everyone.
To minimize phone tag, on your answering machine, suggest
that anyone leaving a message also leave the best time for you to return the call.
There has been a stirring inside of me and I have been waiting to see what surfaced. Saturday I was reading a magazine and there it was --- a way to help our troops.
It is a website http://booksforsoldiers.com When you go this website, you can order books for our troups. The books are gathered together and sent to the troops.....thus, you do not have to pay any postage.
There is a price range for everyone.
To minimize phone tag, on your answering machine, suggest
that anyone leaving a message also leave the best time for you to return the call.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Kathy's Connection
I know for a fact, that IF we get snow in Southwest Washington, it usually is February, around my birthday. This time, however, all of us were caught by surprise when first there was ice and then 4 inches of snow.
Since some us don't even have snow tractions devices, you can be pretty sure that on days when the snow comes down thing will be cancelled--that includes my scheduled appointments. This week was no exception.
I had been thinking about getting my Networking CDs transcribed, so that people could have a hard copy. My website master suggested that I contact http://www.elance.com and
post my project so people could bid on it.
Two days later, I sent my CDs off to Barbara and soon an edited hard copy will arrive---AND to think, I had been "thinking" about that it for so long.
People have constantly asked "Do you tape your presentations?" My reply was no. Now through research with my brother, who loves being asked questions about the lastest
technical gadget, I am will be able to say "Yes, I do."
My new Olympus DS-30 Voice Recorder should be on its' way from New York City as I write.
Time to set up your file folders for your receipts.
Cirle the date, amount and to whom it was paid and drop
it into the appropriate folder. Saves you huge amount of
time in the end.
I know for a fact, that IF we get snow in Southwest Washington, it usually is February, around my birthday. This time, however, all of us were caught by surprise when first there was ice and then 4 inches of snow.
Since some us don't even have snow tractions devices, you can be pretty sure that on days when the snow comes down thing will be cancelled--that includes my scheduled appointments. This week was no exception.
I had been thinking about getting my Networking CDs transcribed, so that people could have a hard copy. My website master suggested that I contact http://www.elance.com and
post my project so people could bid on it.
Two days later, I sent my CDs off to Barbara and soon an edited hard copy will arrive---AND to think, I had been "thinking" about that it for so long.
People have constantly asked "Do you tape your presentations?" My reply was no. Now through research with my brother, who loves being asked questions about the lastest
technical gadget, I am will be able to say "Yes, I do."
My new Olympus DS-30 Voice Recorder should be on its' way from New York City as I write.
Time to set up your file folders for your receipts.
Cirle the date, amount and to whom it was paid and drop
it into the appropriate folder. Saves you huge amount of
time in the end.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Kathy's Connection
Starting 2007 watching the ball in a NYC was a site that I had not seen for a while. Normally, I head to bed and invariably I am awaken by fireworks. Yet, this year I had dinner with a friend, saw a terrific movie "Painted Veil" and walked around downtown Portland, Oregon and marvelled at the beautiful white lights that appeared to be every where. The falling ball was the perfect end to a perfect evening.
I vowed that I would have everything fixed in my home -- that including a TV stand that needed gluing, bulbs that needed to be replaced and even magazines recycled. The goal was to have things in order so that I could really concentrate on my career the minute January 2nd arrived. Yes, that is right. I had a goal and I am proud to say the goal has been accomplished. There it is again, the importance of goal! Without a road map, a person cannot get there. Trust me, there were numerous things that came up that could've gotten me off track -- yet, I made it.
Yes, I am starting out the year smiling and just know 2007 is going to be very good year. My daughter, Kara, has invited me join her in New York City next Friday and we intend to explore and I have set up some appointments that will impact my career.
If you are a small business owner and accounting is not your expertise, I have a recommendation for you. Hire someone to do your Quicken input. Not only will it free you up so that you do activities that are good at and enjoy, you'll know at all times exactly where you stand in regard to income and expenses. If only I had received that advice when I started out!!!!
Starting 2007 watching the ball in a NYC was a site that I had not seen for a while. Normally, I head to bed and invariably I am awaken by fireworks. Yet, this year I had dinner with a friend, saw a terrific movie "Painted Veil" and walked around downtown Portland, Oregon and marvelled at the beautiful white lights that appeared to be every where. The falling ball was the perfect end to a perfect evening.
I vowed that I would have everything fixed in my home -- that including a TV stand that needed gluing, bulbs that needed to be replaced and even magazines recycled. The goal was to have things in order so that I could really concentrate on my career the minute January 2nd arrived. Yes, that is right. I had a goal and I am proud to say the goal has been accomplished. There it is again, the importance of goal! Without a road map, a person cannot get there. Trust me, there were numerous things that came up that could've gotten me off track -- yet, I made it.
Yes, I am starting out the year smiling and just know 2007 is going to be very good year. My daughter, Kara, has invited me join her in New York City next Friday and we intend to explore and I have set up some appointments that will impact my career.
If you are a small business owner and accounting is not your expertise, I have a recommendation for you. Hire someone to do your Quicken input. Not only will it free you up so that you do activities that are good at and enjoy, you'll know at all times exactly where you stand in regard to income and expenses. If only I had received that advice when I started out!!!!
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